Marylebone Community Farm Pop Up

1 Aybrook St, London W1U 4FA
28 May - 14 June 2024

LA FROMAGERIE  is delighted to collaborate with Square Mile Farms with their popup Marylebone Community Farm this June in Marylebone Sq

Centred around well-being activities and sustainable practices in the community. Along with educational visits from local schools and community groups they will be hosting a series of events encompassing cooking, talks and demonstrations, it also coincides with National Growing for Wellbeing Week from June 3rd to 9th and the World Public Health Nutrition Congress at the University of Westminster.

Events are free and tickets are available through their website. Read more...

Marylebone Community Farm
Thursday 13 June 2024 6pm – 7.30pm

An interview with Carolyn Steel
Thought leader and innovator on food and cities, Carolyn Steel will be taking to the stage with Square Mile Farms CEO, Patrick Dumas, sharing her knowledge and vision of what the future of the city could be with harmonious integration of food systems and urban spaces. 

Marylebone Community Farm
Friday 14 June 6pm – 7pm
Low Food-Mile Pesto Demonstration with LA FROMAGERIE Chef Alessandro

Learn how to make a low food-mile pesto, made only from ingredients sourced from the UK. Alessandro will be serving up bowls of ‘Pesto’ & homemade gnocchi.