The Espresso Martini...
We have never considered ourselves specialists in cocktails, instead looking for inspiration from those who really know their stuff such as Sacred, whose Negroni & Dry Martini are quite simply, delicious!
However we are known to dabble... we're rather partial to our Gibson, a potent mix of Sacred Gin, Sacred Vermouth finished with a Balsamic Onion & a chunk of Parmigiano Reggiano on the side, really quite moreish...
In January we makes gallons of our favourite Vin d'Orange made with the bitter Seville Oranges, well, those that don't get turned into jewel hued jars of marmalade! The oranges are macerated with rosé, rum, vanilla & eau de vie. Enjoy simply poured over ice with a twist of orange peel, its quite addictive! In the Spring, Alessandro also makes the most delicious Limoncello made with the green lemons from the Amalfi Coast.
For our next alchemy based foray, we turned to our Le Piantagioni Coffee. We have often been asked for Espresso Martini, but not being fans of the over sized, over sweet, maybe a little bit naff cocktail we declined. Could we refine it to our own taste, creating a small perfectly formed somewhat decadent partnership between Le Piantagioni Coffee X Sacred Vodka X LA FROMAGERIE. So...Alessandro had created a delicious homemade coffee liqueur using Le Piantagioni Coffee, to which we add Sacred Vodka & an espresso. We think it's pretty good. Available on our drinks list at our restaurant in Bloomsbury & Cheese & Wine Bar in Marylebone. Santé!